
About me

I live on the North Shore, Auckland, New Zealand. I am a Brit married to a Kiwi. We have two children, one an artist at Takapuna Grammar school, the other a mathematician at the University of Auckland. My day job is a software developer; I’m mainly responsible for the code that animates Mr. Bean and Peppa Pig.

A window dummy wearing a dress

Comments on my crosswords


“Well Maya, I thoroughly enjoyed your puzzle. Some wonderfully devious surfaces and great constructions, lots of why-didn’t-I-think-of-thats, a few that had me thoroughly stumped for far too long. I would nitpick a couple of clues, but certainly less than my checkers do with my clues. I will be coming back for more.”

David Tossman, cryptic crossword setter for the  New Zealand Listener


“Many thanks. Last month’s was a real brain teaser!”

Heather Vermeer, editor of  Channel Magazine


“I already did it. I was stunned.”

Anthony Horowitz, author, playwright and screenwriter, on a crossword themed around his work.


“Māyā, for ages I have been meaning to get on the blog and comment on your fantastic crosswords. This one has pushed me over the edge! Thank you for such clever cluing. I love the local-isms, use of te reo Māori, local people and places. Thank you!”

Dr Ocean Mercier of Victoria University, Wellington


“Congratulations. You have a convoluted, tricky and extraordinarily devious mind. I promise not to disclose this to another soul.”

Kevin Ireland, poet and author.


“Getting some good feedback.”

Geoff Adlam, managing editor of “LawTalk” (the magazine of the New Zealand Law Society)


“I’m assured by readers who are good at this sort of thing that they are excellent, suitably challenging puzzles.”

Kirsty Cameron, Editor and Publisher of “The Hobson” (an Auckland based lifestyle magazine)


“Best. Crossword. Ever.”

Tara Eastwood of The Androzani Team.

A large teapot shaped lantern at the Lantern Festival

The Hobson magazine (and on a blog).

LawTalk (the magazine of the New Zealand Law Society) (and on a blog).

Verve magazine (and on a blog).

Forest and Bird magazine (and on a blog).

Channel magazine (and on a blog)

Debate (the AUT student magazine) (and on a blog)

And some written for the website of the Crickle wordgame are available here

And a few miscellaneous ones such as “Science, Miss Hawthorne!”, “Thisbe the verse” and “A crossword jigsaw!” are available here

Thanks to the Alphacross app. (Also, some interactive versions are available here: 1 2 3)

A precarious pile of rocks

About “Māyā”

Māyā (Sanskrit माया), literally means “illusion” and “magic”. However, the term has multiple meanings depending on the context … in later Vedic texts and modern literature dedicated to Indian traditions, Māyā connotes a “magic show, an illusion where things appear to be present but are not what they seem” (From Wikipedia).

Traffic stopped to let a hen and chicks crossing a road

Why do I do it?

Apart from the fame and riches, you mean? In my opinion, compiling cryptic crosswords is stand-up comedy for introverts. If I can get a laugh (or groan) when someone solves a clue, I feel my work has been worthwhile.Smiley

Moominmama plush toy

If you are interested…

…in featuring a quirky, original cryptic crossword, tailored to current events and/or content in a publication…

(or wish to contact me for any other reason)

…please get in touch by emailing:

maya (at) mayaofauckland (dot) com.

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